Monday, December 23, 2013

The Hunger Games 2012 Eng DVDR License (serega2417)

The Hunger Games 2012 torrent

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Torrent Size: 815 Mb

Review: I could have easily walked out of this movie the first 10-15 minutes, and did not think twice about it. You know how you can tell if a movie is going to be any good in the first few minutes, and you tend to be in order. Well, it was for this movie, and it does not look promising, and it wasnt.First, the film was too long. They took a lot of time to do nothing.Second, I could not stand all the camera shake. It started giving me a headache. Fortunately, it seemed that it was only the first third of the course of the film (maybe they went after starting the filmmakers?). It was very similar to when your child takes the camera and forget about it when they go around.The action scenes were mostly chrome and corners were clearly uncreative (is there was a big fight scene, but you're thinking of them used , AN constantly on the screen, they would have done something times!). Character development was Neil. Only the main character is developed, and I really do not care about any of the other, because they were completely unknown to me.I do not even watch this movie again when he came out on DVD. For me it was a waste of the day and I finished $ 8.I thought the actors performances were great, but there was hardly anything in there to pull the viewer in to them in the story. I also really do not understand why they had to compete in this game (I think you should read the book and are already familiar with the subject), and felt that I had already EV , fermented through this type of scenario before.

Year: 2012
Genre: Adventure, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Director: Gary Ross
Starring: Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth

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